How to Get Your Hands on Unclaimed Money

Have you been searching for a way to get financial aid for a very important project? You may be wanting to build a house on a piece of property that you intend to purchase. You may be getting ready to launch a new business or attend college to get certified in a certain area. It's a good idea to do a search on the web for money that no one is using.

Is There Really Any Unclaimed Money?

On the one hand, unclaimed money certainly does exist. This is money that is lying dormant in the form of funds that have been set aside for various reasons. For example, a large amount of money has been set aside to power the Section 8 housing program. Other funds are currently being reserved to help people found a new series of small businesses.

It's important to understand that the government does not give away "free money." In a large majority of cases, this money is reserved for the needs of states and approved organizations. However, as an individual, you may be able to get a loan in order to fund your education or start a business.

Beware of Unclaimed Money Scams

You should be aware that there are several sites on the web that offer unwary visitors the chance to find unclaimed money. In some cases, the site will dangle in front of you the prospect of being let in on secret information. This will usually be some variation on "hidden bank accounts" that you can be given the key to claim access to.

However, you should know that these are scams. Neither the U.S. government nor any of its agencies will ever contact you to make you aware of unclaimed money. It also will not give information concerning such funds to anyone outside of the government. Anyone who tells you otherwise is likely a scammer whose activities you should report.

Does Your State Have Unclaimed Money?

The government of the state that you live in may have a significant amount of money that they are holding for specific purposes. Some of it may simply be saved for when a good reason to spend it comes along. They may be holding it in the form of bank accounts, insurance policies, or in the coffers of the state itself.

The best way to see if your state has any unclaimed money is to conduct a search at its unclaimed property office. They will usually have an official website that gives you all of the relevant info that you will need to get in touch with them. If you have lived before in other states, you should also check their unclaimed property offices.

Is Your Employer Holding Out on You?

One of the most unfortunately common sources of unclaimed money is the employer that you currently work for. They may be holding money in a number of forms, much of which may be your own.

Some of these funds may be found in the form of unpaid wages. You can search the database of the Department of Labor at their official website. Your best bet will be to enter a search for back pay that you may be owed by your employer.

You may also be owed a pension, or back payments from a pension, from a former employer. If this is the case, you can get in touch with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). Check their official site in order to conduct a search for any unclaimed pension, or pension payments, that you may yet be owed.

Does Your Insurance Company Owe You Money?

Another common source of uncollected funds may be your insurance company. You may well be owed money by your current provider. You could also be missing funds that are being held by a provider that you have been affiliated with in the past.

If you believe that funds from a VA life insurance policy are being withheld from you, you can search the database of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

If you have ever had a mortgage that was insured by the Federal Housing Authority (FHA), you can search their database. This will be the best way to determine if you are eligible for a refund.

You can also make use of the official Where’s My Refund? search tool that is hosted by the IRS. This is a very handy resource if you have not received your tax refund.
Category: Advice

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